Big challenge
in Spallumcheen's Municipal Election. Posted May 27, 1996, edited
August 22, 2012, edited April 10 2017 edited June 2017
politics 1989 -1996. Mayor Guenter Rieger, two Councils, and many stories to tell. Rieger challenges Norris.
Guenter A. Rieger, a Spallumcheen resident, challenged Spallumcheen incumbent mayor Harold Norris in the civic election on
November 17th, 1989.
Rieger, a newcomer to politics who never served on the municipal council, an electrical engineer, businessman
and farmer said "leadership and more co-operations with other communities are his reason for letting his name stand for
mayor. "We should be able to solve our differences and problems through a spirit of co-operation...." He said
"Council has to work with neighboring communities, like the city of Armstrong and other communities, together." Today residents
of both communities are working very well together social clubs and other organizations, but councils have some difficulties
communicating with each other. ...."The City of Armstrong was once a part of Spallumcheen before being incorporated into
a separate Municipality in 1922.Change in Spallumcheen. Rieger is the newly elected mayor of the Township of Spallumcheen.
In a stunning upset. Rieger defeated the incumbent, Norris, 14 years on Spallumcheen council and serving three years as mayor
of the township, at the polls on Saturday. Mayor Rieger said. " I am very happy and would like to thank Spallumcheen
voters for their trust. I will stick to my promise providing
an honest and open government.."
"The newly elected council of the Township of Spallumcheen in 1989.
Mayor: Guenter A. Rieger, Council members: Ald. Nonie Anderson,
Ald. John Low, Ald. Dave Jordan, Ald. Marlene Docksteader, Ald. Les Young, Ald. Rob Hay. Mayor Mayor Rieger calls for a co-operative spirit. "The best
way to solve problems is through a spirit of co-operation", Mayor Guenter
A. Rieger said in his inaugural speech on Monday at the inaugural meeting. Spallumcheen with over 65,000 acres can use its
unique position as a municipality whose heart is another municipality, the city of Armstrong, to have a bright future, Mayor
Guenter A. Rieger said.
Spallumcheen with over 65,000 arce can use its unique position as a municipalty whose heart is another
municipality, the city of Armstrong, to have a bright future, Mayor Guenter A. Rieger said.
Mayor Eric Hornby of the City of Armstrong stated, "There have been already
more exchanges in two weeks with Mayor Rieger, than in the three previous years.. ..... Mayor Eric
Hornby is now very optimistic about the general atmosphere between Armstrong and Spallumcheen... Mayor Hornby said: Spallumcheen
voters made a very good decision......"
ONE on ONE with Mayor Rieger
ONE on ONE with Mayor Rieger Mayor Rieger
says, "When first elected as Mayor
in 1989, I had to overcome some resistance of re-elected council members, but managed, that Council made important decisions,
very positive for the Township of Spallumcheen and the City of Armstrong" Some examples of Spallumcheen's Council's
achievements between 1989 and 1993.
A Waterstudy, including
17 independent water districts located in Spallumcheen, started in 1991 and was completed in 1992, but the Spallumcheen Council
of the day was not willing to act on the Study.
from independent water districts, the general public, and the city of Armstrong, will allow all water districts, ratepayers,
and taxpayers of Spallumcheen, to make an educated and informed decision regarding the future of Spallumcheen's water supply.
Building permits skyrocketed in Spallumcheen by more than 400 percent, for a total
of almost $3 million, by allowing buildings being built on existing parcels of land in Spallumcheen, without creating new
subdivisions. Milestone Wood Products will build a plant for $10 million in Spallumcheen.
Flowers for pioneers in Spallumcheen. Mayor A. Rieger continues the old tradition.
Blattner, former Mayor of Spallumcheen, was named Good Citizen of the Year, by the communities of Armstrong and Spallumcheen.
George and Dorothy Scott were honored at their 60th wedding anniversary..
Rieger presented greetings and flowers from the Township of Spallumcheen.
Alderman John Low stated "it
could be to expensive for the Township to buy flowers and such. He moved a motion, which was passed by council, that
the Mayor is not allowed to present flowers, paid by the Township of Spallumcheen, to taxpayers at anniversaries. Only Alderman
Marlene Docksteader and Alderman Noni Anderson opposed the motion..
Mayor Guenter
Rieger continued the tradition started in 1892, and paid for flowers from his own pocket, to honor pioneers of Spallumcheen.
New concept for Spallumcheen, Armstrong and British Columbia. Joint Council meetings.
Joint Council workshops
were held every month with Councils of Spallumcheen and the City of Armstrong."We have improved the relationship between
the two councils very much between the City of Armstrong and the Township of Spallumcheen.
Since being elected, I have successfully initiated regular Joint Council Workshops. These have helped
both councils speeding up the process implementing improvements for both communities......"
Planning in Spallumcheen "Planning Applications: Since 1992 all planning applications
have been guided by professional advice from the planning department of the regional district. The process ensures that all
applications are treated in an unbiased fashion, but Spallumcheen Council will make the final decision....."
Mayor Rieger and the local newspaper "The Armstrong Advertiser" later renamed "The Okanagan Advertiser".
Mayor report July 1991 by Mayor Guenter A. RiegerMayor Rieger announced on Monday 28th, 1992
to print his own information paper for Spallumcheen taxpayers. " I have no intention
of going into the news business, but the time has come to inform the taxpayers of Spallumcheen unbiased and eliminate the
repetition of confusion created by a local newspaper. There is no place for fake news, including in our community Spallumcheen.
Journalists and editors should be held accountable for false/fake news. Personal opinions belong
in editorials, but not in a news report. "
The monthly information paper
will cost Mayor Rieger $300, which Rieger pays out of his own pocket..... .
Environment: Sewage treatment plant of Armstrong;
After more than 15 years of negotiations between councils of Spallumcheen
and the City of Armstrong, the City of Armstrong was able to build a new sewage treatment facility, located in the Township
of Spallumcheen. Spallumcheen may connect to the new treatment plant..
Mayor Guenter A. Rieger said: "I am very proud that I have played an part maintaining a natural treasure of Spallumcheen,
Otterlake, and keeping Okanagan Lake clean by reducing the phosphor levels in both lakes.".
Mayor Rieger said: "Only futuristic planning will ensure, that the Township of Spallumcheen
will remain as the most scenic municipality in British Columbia, where taxpayers will be able to enjoy their life in the future,
as we enjoying it today."
What do taxpayers say about Rieger:? People said: "You can love him or you can hate him", but he, Mayor Rieger, worked very
hard providing Spallumcheen taxpayers/residents an honest and open government, not found very often today. Water Distribution in Spallumcheen: Water controversy Spalluncheen 1993 Mayor reported water
and water distribution was one of his pet projects. The first water study was started and completed. As
a result, two water districts, out of seventeen water districts supplying Spallumcheen with water, came under a municipal
umbrella and were able to receive government funding to upgrade their systems, received fundung for over $300,000.
Centennial Council for the Township of Spallumcheen in 1992. Standing in the back, Ald. Harrold Norris
Ald. Noni Anderso, Ald. Dave Jordan, Ald. John LowFront: Ald. Les Young, Ald. Rob Hay, Mayor Guenter A. Rieger, Municipal
Spallumcheen's 120 year celebration 1892 - 2012
120th Anniversary The Township of Spallumcheen
kick of the events at the Township of Spallumcheen Municipal Hall on Monday, July 16th, 2012 at 5:30
PM with a cake and ice cream.
Members of Council and staff participating in heritage dress.
The community is encouraged to participate. On Sunday, Agust 12th, 2012 (12:00 pm to 4:00 PM) will be held the official Birthday
Party at Historic O'Keefe Ranch
Township of Spallumcheen 125 year celebration 1892-2017 Spallumcheen was officially incorporated July 21, 1892.
Township of Spallumcheen Council 125 year celebration Back row (left to right) Councillor Todd York, Councillor Ed Hanoski, Councillor Joe Van Tienhoven, Councillor
Andrew CassonFront row (left to right)Councillor Christine Fraser, Mayor Janice Brown, Councillor Christine LeMaire.
Spallumcheen turns 125 and council commemorates with community party
Spallumcheen Mayors 1989 -2017 Mayor Christine Fraser 2018 - PRESENT Mayor: Janice Brown 2011-2018 Mayor Will Hansma 1988-2011 Mayor:
Rick Medhurst 1997 Mayor Guenter Rieger 1989-1996 Mayor Harold Norris 1986 -1989 Mayor Hans Blattner. .... Updated shortly
Established in 1973, the Armstrong-Spallumcheen
Farmers Market is the oldest continuously running market in BC. In true country atmosphere you may enjoy a coffee and a muffin,
ethnic foods, conventional and organic vegetables and fruits, local honey, homemade bread and other baked goods, jams and
jellies, cheeses, free range eggs, snacks, gorgeous flower arrangements, plants, home and garden accessories, beautiful wooden
bowls, jewellery boxes, wooden planters and garden furniture, unique clothing for kids and adults, fabulous handmade jewellery,
fashion accessories, soaps and body products, and numerous other items produced by the vendors. Our motto is "we make
it, bake it or grow it". It's a great way to spend a Saturday morning. As you stroll along making your purchases you
can visit with friends and neighbours while being entertained by some of our local musicians. See you there!
What Historians say about Mayor Rieger. "Guenter A. Rieger
is the first Canadian Citizen holding the office of Mayor after being only for one year a Canadian Citizen. Congratulations.
of Spallumcheen Centennial Celebration 1892-1992
Centennial Council for the Township of Spallumcheen in 1992.
Standing in the back, Ald. Harrold Norris Ald. Noni Anderso, Ald. Dave Jordan, Ald. John LowFront: Ald. Les Young,
Ald. Rob Hay, Mayor Guenter A. Rieger, Municipal Clerk
Mayor Guenter Rieger and wife Regina assisted by local residents cutting the Centennial cake at the Agriplex
Hundreds of Residents from Spallumcheen and Armstrong attended the official opening, including
the official Centennial celebration at Matt Hassen arena. Special guests: Mayor Eric Hornby and his wife,
City of Armstrong, BC Minister of Agriculture Bill Barley, Member of Parliament Lyle McWilliam with his wife, Member of the
Legislature Layel Hanson with his wife Nancy, directors, and chairman of the North Okanagan Regional District.A memorable
event for everyone who attended.
A time capsule was placed at the Armstrong Spallumcheen Museum,
containing the history of Spallumcheen, dating back to 1892. ( July 21 1892 was the official day of incorporation)
Spallumcheen Municipal Election 1993 Rieger
get re-elected for second a term 1993-1996
Election 1993 Rieger get re-elected for a second term 1993-1996Editorials Municipal Election election, November of 1993
"Rieger seeks second term in Spallumcheen. Citing solid community support,
Spallumcheen Mayor Guenter Rieger has announced he will seek re-election. Rieger is so far opposed by only one other
candidate, Coun. John Low, a frequent sparring partner with Mayor Rieger around the council table. Low said. ."
We have to oust him out of his office."
Mayor Guenter A. Rieger was re-elected for a second
term as Mayor for the Township of Spallumcheen.
The community has spoken.
Mayor Guenter A. Rieger was the only
incumbent mayor in British Columbia re-elected, with a brand new Council. Mayor Rieger with his brand new Council steering
Victory tastes sweet to Rieger: Re-elected Spallumcheen Mayor Guenter A. Rieger
was savoring a victory over his rivals Sunday and predicting a new era of stability in Spallumcheen's volatile politics.
Rieger, whose three years on council have been punctuated by pitched battles with fellow council members
and the media, had the last laugh Saturday amid election results that left his opposition tatters.
taxpayers have spoken clearly, and I am very pleased," a beaming Rieger said. Mayor Rieger's real victory came
in the Spallumcheen council race, which saw all three incumbent councilors - Bob Hay- Dave Jordan including Harold Norris,
who was defeated in the 1989 municipal election as an incumbent mayor by Rieger, and was coming back as a counselor in a by-election
in 1992, defeated in favor of his own supporters.
A new direction for Spallumcheen. Citizens
Initiatives Referendum and Recall:
The new council
wasted little time in getting things done. Council passed several motions, including a motion to support the principle of
Recall and Referendum, a process Mayor Rieger lobbied unsuccessfully for in his previous term. Citizens Initiatives Referendum
and Recall.
In 1993, the newly elected council wasted little time
in getting things done. Council passed one of the most important motions in Spallumcheen's history. A process Mayor Rieger
lobbied unsuccessfully for in his previous term. Mayor Rieger said: "
A Very significant step for community involvement is the step to offer Spallumcheen taxpayers Citizens Initiative Referendum
and Recall", Mayor Guenter A. Rieger said in his inaugural address. "This council will go into Canadian history
since Spallumcheen will be one of the first communities in Canada to make such an important move."
The Provincial
Government of British Columbia, may not be ready yet for such legislation.
Road named after Rieger "Rieger Avenue"
Road named after Mayor Guenter A. Rieger "Rieger Avenue"
During his second term as mayor, Councillor Bev Torrens moved a motion and passed by Spallumcheen Council with no opposition,
to award Mayor Rieger, for his dedication to Spallumcheen and open and honest government, by naming a municipal road after
him, known today as Rieger Avenue......
Minister of Municipal Affairs Darlene Mazari,
presented Mayor Guenter Rieger
a check of $50,000 for the Township of SpallumcheenThe Grant can be used to identify solutions and possible restructuring
for 17 independent water districts supplying residents and farmers with water.
The Minister and staff
provided a lot of support to the Township, by helping and identifying the role of water districts.
Mayor Guenter A. Rieger retired from municipal politics in 1996
1996, Rieger retired from Spallumcheen municipal politics. After Mayor Rieger retired from municipal politics, he was asked
to let his name stand for provincial/federal politics, but Rieger declined.
He said: "Let other
people do it. We have many people in our area who would like to have such a job. I could not handle all the party politics
etc., since you're not able or allowed to represent truly your constituents..... I leave it up to others......
Changing my principles just to be popular, that's not for me. I have learned a lot during the last 6 years. I had the
privilege of working with dedicated people, with two different councils. I think both councils made excellent and wise decisions,
beneficial for Spallumcheen for years to come. Knowing firsthand what the media can do to you, I'm not interested in
any other political position.
Honest and fair journalism is very hard to find these days. The media
can make you or can break you. I like Spallumcheen and my country which has so much to offer. I did my part. I may well write
a book some day."
Let's see what's happen for Rieger during the next few years. A guy like Rieger
can't be silent, and people can be assured that we will hear more of him. His forward-thinking and voice on the Spallumcheen
council and Regional district will be missed. During his terms, a lot of ink was used and his name made many times headlines......
Mayor Guenter A. Rieger fulfilled his promise by providing an open and honest government not found many
times anymore. He, Rieger was an inspiration for many, but also a nightmare for those who did not like his open approach.
He had no hidden agenda and was working very hard by preventing or solving problems. Honesty and Integrity are always close
to his heart and demonstrated during his terms as mayor.
Rieger Avenue, which was named after Rieger,
will engrave his name in Spallumcheen's history. We wish Mr. Rieger and his family all the best.
Former Mayor Guenter Rieger keeps himself busy with humanitarian work. He, Rieger is involved in many organizations helping people around the globe.
Rieger was appointed as Ambassador for Canada for an Inter-Governmental Organization called A.N.G.E.L. ( All Nations
Generating Equal Love.). The Knights of H.O.P.E. appointed Rieger as Vidame Brother Superior, .Rieger was Past President of
the Armstrong Rotary Club, Past Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Past Faithful Navigator of the KOFC Assembly 2064,
and is Prior of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St.Paul. Mr.
Rieger is also known as a Keynote speaker, hosting seminars for different organizations and government agencies. Asking Mr.
Rieger about his present life he said.: "I'm very humbled for being elected,
appointed or an honorary member, of those International Organizations. Working with those global organizations is very satisfying
since progress is made much faster achieved than in politics..... It's too much to explain what I'm doing in my spare time.....
Just have a peek at my website at and it will explain everything without any confusion that may be caused by the media.I still appreciate that I have
received the confidence of Spallumcheen voters, given me the honor of serving the Township of Spallumcheen as mayor from 1989
to 1996. One of many highlights was our Centennial celebration in 1992, yes it's some time ago.
It was very nice to see so many residents of both communities from Spallumcheen and the city of Armstrong, participating
in different events. I have learned a lot during my terms in public office and found many wonderful new friends with lasting
memories. Getting titles does not make me a different person. It's not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles. However, please let me close with the following quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The supreme quality of leadership is unquestionably
integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a
section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office." (Disclaimer: Links are public websites and not associated
with the Spallumcheen Chronicle)
______________________________________________ Spallumcheen is a district
municipality in the Canadian province of British Columbia.
Located in the Okanagan region between Vernon and Enderby, the township had a population of 4,719 (1991) and land area of
255.77 square kilometres (98.75 sq mi) in the Canada 2011 Census.
The Schubert House. The Schubert
House which was built in 1892. In 1862 August and Catherine Schubert